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    Around Bali Indonesia

    Been a long while since I share my snapshots here. Here's our recently family vacation to Bali, Indonesia. Danau Beratan Bedugul or Lake Bratan is known as the Lake of Holy Mountain due to the fertility of this area. Located 1200 m above sea level, it has a cold tropical climate.
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    Altum Angels

    Some pictures I shared with other hobbyist in Arofanatics forum. "][/URL] "][/URL]
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    Pushing the f/stop numbers...

    Found an interesting discussion in Flickr, regarding max f/stop number. Don't know if this is discussed here before... What is your take??
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    My Photo-Friendly Rainbow.

    This is one of the species I have in my tank for the past 2 years. Scientific name is Melanotaenia boesemani. More information on it's many species can be found here 1. 2. 3. 4. Feel free to comment. Thanks in advance.
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    No critique in Portrait section to re-post here to get C & C from fellow CS'er. Thanks in advance. Appreciate any recommendation to make the picture better.
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    My precious daughters... C & C Welcome
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    Nabilah Ulfah

    Abt to years ago I posted my 3days old baby girl here. Now she's 2 years ++ so here is the updates... Photo taken during Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2004. Nabilah Ulfah Gallery Thanks for viewing. -FND-> Help: I can't upload picture here. I did not see the attach button in "Post New...
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    When she smile...

    Your comments is greatly appreciated... Sorry direct link so please click here --> When she smile... Thanks in advance. -FND->
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    Dry Cabinet - Bossman

    Hi, Saw at MS Color website, selling Bossman 66 litres dry cabinet with 3 layers. Like to know if anyone bought this unit and if it is reliable? Basically it fits my requirement and budget. Alternatives Dry Cabinet? Please recommend and state your experience. -FND->
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    Probably the smallest light meter...

    Have anyone heard of GOSSEN DigiSix Light Meter? Saw a lady bought one at Fotoguide last week. Wonder if she one of the member here. GOSSEN DigiSix Just want to know the performance of this new gadget. -FND->
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    Close-Up Filters

    Hi All, Just bought myself a HOYA +3 Close-Up Filter. Can't afford a macro lens so thought that this is a good alternatives. Got home and spent the whole night trying to figure out why my viewfinder fogged out when I screwed it on my lens:dunno: BTW, I'm using a prime 200mm f2.8...
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    Valentine's Day Muses ...

    hmmm... :heart: :heart: :kiss: :kiss: Counting how long before I knock off from office... -FND->
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    Baby Photo Series...

    My baby girl Nabilah Ulfah... 3 months and 3 weeks now. Please comment... -FND->
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    Minolta Mount Sigma Lens 24-70mm

    Anyone here interested? I'm trying to sell this lens in mint condition with constant f2.8. Please PM or email me at with your offer. AP & CP selling price at SGD780.00 -FND->
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    Editing Digital Photo - Tutorials

    Hi All, Found this site, maybe useful for newbie like me. Hope it's useful to others too. A short course in editing digital photograph -FND->
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    Baby & Mom

    Continue from the baby series, Comments & suggestions greatly appreciated. -FND->
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    Baby Photo Series...

    Here's my 2 month old baby Nabilah Ulfah pictures, Before that, like to thank Streetshooter for the step-by-step guide for the blur effect in PS and Nekogotch for his assistance with the framing. Thanks both. Comments & sugesstions is greatly appreciated, -FND->
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    Still Life - Garlic

    Hi All, My first shot on still life theme. Selected a simple subject and arrangement, that is, GARLIC! Appreciate your comments, recommendations and pointers for future reference. Thanks in advance, -FND->
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    Dying Trade...

    Hi, Picture taken from Clive Street. Please comment. Dying Trade -FND->
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    CBD Cityscape II

    Hi CS'er, Your comment is greatly appreciated. CBD at Night II -FND->